Vat-Poornima:Indian Festival - Free Post 4 U Google+

Monday 13 June 2016

Vat-Poornima:Indian Festival

Vat-Poornima:Indian Festival
 वटपौर्णिमा - (Vat Pournima) जेष्ठ पौर्णिमा हा दिवस "वटपौर्णिमा" म्हणून साजरा केला जातो. हे व्रत सुवासिनी अपल्या पतिला उत्तम आरोग्य लाभावे, दीर्घायुष्य प्राप्त व्हावे म्हणून करतात.
जेष्ठ पौर्णिमा हा दिवस "वटपौर्णिमा" म्हणून साजरा केला जातो. हे व्रत सुवासिनी अपल्या पतिला उत्तम आरोग्य लाभावे, दीर्घायुष्य प्राप्त व्हावे म्हणून करतात.

वटपौर्णिमेच्या दिवशी सुवासिनी महिला वटवृक्षाची(Banyan Tree) पूजा करतात. हळद-कुंकू हे सौभाग्याच प्रतिक आणि सौभाग्यवतीचे फणी करंडा, काळी पोत, हिरव्या बांगड्या हे सौभाग्य अलंकार तिथे अर्पण करतात. वडाला पाच प्रदक्षिणा मारून सूत गुंडाळतात. मनोभावे वटवृक्ष राजाचे पुजन करतात. ह्या व्रताशी संबंधीत अशा सावित्रींचे स्मरण पूजन करतात. सावित्री हिने आपला पति सत्यवान ह्याचे प्राण यमाकडून कसे परत मिळवले. ह्या बद्दल एक पौराणिक कथा सांगितली जाते ती अशी.

सावित्री ही भद्र देशाचा राजा अश्वपती ह्याची कन्या. आपल्या सत्वगुणी समंजस, गुणवान, रूपवान, धैर्यवान आणि सुशील कन्येबद्दल राजा-राणीला मोठा आभिमान होता.

खरं तर अशा ह्या सुंदर राजकन्येला कुणीही एखादा राजकुमार सहज पती म्हणून मिळाला असता पण तसं घडलं नाही तिनं निवड केली ती जंगलात राहणाऱ्या सदाचारणी, सत्यवचनी, सामर्थवान आणि आपले नांव सार्थ करणाऱ्या सत्यवानाची.

सत्यवान हा अल्पायुषी होता. लग्नानंतर तो एक वर्षातच मृत्यू पावेल हे भाकित ठाऊक असून ही सावित्रीनं त्याच्याशीच विवाह केला.

सावित्री सत्यवानाच्या झोपडीत आनंदात राहू लागली. सासू सासऱ्याची सेवा करू लागली. पतीसेवा करू लागली. पतीला त्याच्या कामांत मदत करू लागली.

होता होता एक वर्षाचा काळ होत आला.. आणि तो दिवस उगवला. पहाटे पासूनच सावित्रीला अपशकुन होऊ लागले. तिनं एक वेगळाच निश्चय केला. त्या दिवशी ती मुद्दाम पती बरोबर जंगलांत लाकडं तोडण्यासाठी गेली.

झाडावर चढून सत्यवान लाकडं तोडून खाली टकत होता आणि सावित्री ती लाकडं गोळा करत होती.. आणि एका-एकी घेरी येऊन सत्यवान झाडावरून खाली पडला. सावित्रीनं त्याला एका वृक्षाखाली नेलं व त्या वृक्षाच्या सावलीत ती त्याला सावध करण्याचा प्रयत्न करू लागली. तेवढ्यात तिथं यमराजाची स्वारी आली आणि सत्यवानाचे प्राण हरण करून घेऊन जाऊ लागली.

तशी सावित्री ही यमराजांचे मागे धावत जाऊ लागली. आपल्या पतीचे प्राण परत मागू लागली. बाळ! मृत्यूच्या मार्गावरचा प्रत्येक जीव हा एकटा असतो. त्याचा कुणी सोबती नसतो. तू परत जा.. यमराज म्हणाले.

तेव्हा पतीवाचून पत्नीने जगावे का? तिच्या जगण्याला काही अर्थ राहतो का? सहगमन हा पत्नीचा धर्म आहे असं शास्त्रच सांगते नां? अशी अनेक प्रश्नोत्तरे करून सावित्रीने अखेर यमराजाचे मन जिंकले.

तिचा निश्चय, धैर्य, धर्म शास्त्राच ज्ञान, तिच बुद्धी कौशल्य, चतुराई हे सारं पाहून यमराज प्रसन्न होऊन म्हणाले,"सावित्री, एक लक्षांत ठेव. केवळ पतीचे प्राण सोडून हवे ते माग, मी ते देईन. बोल काय हवे तुला".

मग सावित्रीने चतुराईन यमाकडे सासऱ्याचं गेलेल राज्य मागितले. यम हो म्हणाले, सासू-सासऱ्यांना दृष्टी मागितली, यमराजाने ती दिली. असं एक-एक मागता-मागता सावित्रीने पुत्र मागितला. यमराज इतर मागण्यांप्रमाणे हो म्हणाले आणि..

दिल्या शब्दाप्रमाणे पुत्रप्राप्तीसाठी यमराजांना सत्यवानाचे प्राण परत द्यावे लागले.

    ही पौराणिक कथा खरंच श्रवणीय आणि बरंच काही शिकवून जाणारी आहे. त्या कथेच स्मरण वटवृक्षाचे पूजन आणि सौभाग्य वरदान मागण्याचा हा दिवस.

Vat Pournima:-
Wat Pournima is the festival for Maharashtrian women, which is celebrated in the month of Jesht (May-June). Women observe a fast and tie threads around a banyan tree and pray for the same husband in every birth.

The celebration derived from the story of Savitri and Satyavan. It has been foretold that Satyavan won't live long. Resting on the lap of Savitri, Satyavan was waiting for death under a banyan tree, when the day of death comes. The messenger of Yama, the God of death came to take Satyavan. But Savitri refused to give her beloved husband. Messenger after messenger tried to take Satyavan away, but in vain. Finally, Yama himself appeared in front of Savitri and insisted to give her husband.

Since, she was still adamant, he offered her a boon. She asked for the well being of her in-laws. He granted it to her. She then followed him as he took Satyavan's body away. He offered her another boon. She now asked for the well being of her parents. This boon, too, was granted. But she was relentless, and continued to follow him. As they approached Yama's abode, he offered her a final boon. She asked for a son. He granted it. She then asked him how it would be possible for her to beget sons without her husband. Yama was trapped and had to return her husband.

So, married women pray to the banyan tree for the long life of their husbands and children. Their fast is observed the whole night till the next morning.The celebration derived from the story of Savitri and Satyavan. It has been foretold that Satyavan won't live long. Resting on the lap of Savitri, Satyavan was waiting for death under a banyan tree, when the day of death comes. The messenger of Yama, the God of death came to take Satyavan. But Savitri refused to give her beloved husband. Messenger after messenger tried to take Satyavan away, but in vain. Finally, Yama himself appeared in front of Savitri and insisted to give her husband.

Vat Savitri Vrat, or Vat Savithri Poornima, is a fast observed by married Hindu women in North India for the wellbeing of their husbands and children. The fasting is based on the devotion and determination shown by Savitri to win back her husband Satyavan from the clutches of yama (god of death). The legend is mentioned in the Mahabharata. The prayer and pujas associated with Vat Savitri is observed at the community level or individually at home.

Vat Savitri Vrat Fasting is for three days and it begins on the trayodashi day and ends on Amavasi or Purnima. Some sections of Hindu society observe the vrat during Amavasi (new moon) and others during Purnima (full moon) in the Hindu month of Jyeshtha (June – July).

The fast is observed for three nights and is broken on the fourth day. The number of days the fast is observed depends on the person who is observing it. Nowadays, many women only observe the fasting on the important day of Purnima.

There are no rigid rules regarding any Hindu fast. Pregnant women, those women having any ailments or diseases and those who have just delivered a baby usually skip this fasting and they just concentrate on prayers. Working women also avoid the fasting.

On the Trayodashi day, after morning activities, women apply paste of amala (Indian gooseberry) and gingli (sesamum) and take bath.

After this women eat the roots of Vata Vriksha (Banyan Tree) and drink water. In fact, for three days many women only eat just this.

Women then worship the Banyan Tree (Vat Vriksha). After praying to the Banyan Tree, a red or yellow colored thread is tied around the tree. Then water, rice and flowers are offered as part of the puja. Women then go round the tree and chant prayers.

Vat Vraksha or Banyan tree symbolically represents the Trimurtis – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The root is Brahma, the stem is Vishnu and the upper portion is Shiva. The whole tree is also symbolically taken as Savitri.

At home, a painting of banyan tree is made on a plate or wood using sandalwood paste or turmeric. Pujas are done to the painting of banyan tree for three days. Special dishes are also prepared during the occasion.
The routine is followed on the Trayodashi, Chatrudashi and Amavasi or Purnima.

The fast is broken on the fourth day after offering water to moon and prayers to Savitri.

Apart from this all fasting women take the blessings of elders and other married women. Special dishes are prepared on the day and distributed among friends and relatives after the pujas.

Many people also distribute food, clothes and money to the poor during Vat Savitri.

Finally, never torture one’s body in the name of customs and traditions. Fasting is good for health and it also helps in spiritual quest. But one should not attempt it, if one is not capable of doing it. Prayers, kindness to all living beings and simplicity are also Vratas and one can observe it on all days.


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